Saturday, February 28, 2009


7:17 pm

i'm learning... to use a mosquito net. the first 3 or 4 nights i managed to trap a few inside with me. i'm getting better. appreciate and value my education. kids here have quite an uphill battle ahead of them if they want to attend secondary school. this lesson is probably the kick in the tush i needed most, as i've become a tad bitter toward college and school in general. i am so blessed to be able to go to university.

...that one should never leave campus without an empty bladder, toilet paper, and a hefty supply of purell. this point is entirely non-negotiable.

...that one must always use spf 85. forget it once and you're fried.

...that you should always read the paintings on the dala dalas (taxi-like vans). each one is painted differently and usually has some sort of slogan. they're always a good source of entertainment. "you hit us, we'll hit u." "jesus is inside!" "we heart horny rhinos!"

...that bugs here come in two sizes--heart attack inducing enormous and jurassic park gigantic. today i ran across a grasshopper/spider hybrid the size of a small bird. creepy it is at night to live in a cement block in the middle of nowhere by yourself.

...the beauty of a new day. how incredible is it to wake up to a new adventure every morning? you never know who you're going to meet or what you're going to encounter. no matter what happened the day before, you always get a fresh morning to look forward to. to be a quiet extrovert. i used to be extremely loud and probably a bit obnoxious. i still draw my energy from being around others, but i'm learning how to listen more carefully and observe groups of people. it has given me a lot of insight others have missed while drowning in their own voice. plus, when i do want to say something, people listen much more carefully.

...the history and rules of this ridiculous netball. it's sort of like basketball/ultimate frisbee combined. to make scrambled eggs.

...that if the eggs seem even the tiniest bit suspicious, don't eat them, even if it's the first meal you've eaten in 24 hours. you'll spend at least the next 24 hours regretting it.

...that vans that don't consistently start should always be parked on a hill or surrounded by plenty of open space, should you need to pull a little miss sunshine.

...that if you're constantly showering in/washing your face in dirty water, your nose piercing will get lovely and infected. imagine that novel concept.

...that some adults never mature beyond the age of 13. it amazes me how close-minded some people can be. in the past 3.5 years, i've gotten transcripts from 5 schools, lived in 5 cities, and had 9 roommates. within my roommates alone, i've lived with guys and girls, liberals and conservatives, gay people and straight people, well educated students and some who barely passed high school, hippies and preppy kids and arty kids/musicians, rich kids and poor kids, small town kids and kids from the suburbs, introverts and extroverts, athletes, druggies, kids with body art, opera singers, christians and athiests, and pretty much every other type of person you can imagine. despite the sometimes suckiness of being in a perpetual state of packing or unpacking, i have to say i'm glad i've been on the "college sampler plan." most kids get to college, find a niche, and stay there. i've gotten to hear the lives and stories of people i never would have encountered if i had stayed in one place for four years. the group of volunteers i've been with the last 10 days have very diverse personalities and backgrounds. it led to a lot of clashing and middle-schoolish drama, as people tend to close their minds off as soon as they encounter something unfamiliar. i sometimes want to say, "just take some time to listen. open your heart and don't let yourself judge. remember that everyone has a battle they're fighting and nobody's life is perfect, despite what it looks like from the outside. sometimes just attempting to understand someone will make you realize how much you actually enjoy their company and have in common with them."

...that you can say just that in the calmest manner possible and still get screamed at and have the f-bomb thrown in your face by a 40 year old man. to appreciate the things that matter. i've heard people complaining all week about the showers, the food, the dust, the heat, the car rides, and pretty much everything else you can think of to complain about. it's easy to complain when you start feeling uncomfortable. the wonderful thing is that we actually have ANY showers or food, a house to sleep in, and a family to go home to. i certainly miss the convenience and luxuries of things at home (i would love to sprawl out on the couch with picabo, eat pizza and watch grey's anatomy), but i am learning how to squash that negative voice that sometimes surfaces with, "but remember that you have ______" to have faith and worship like a peace house student. after every meal and chai (tea time), the students sing the same worship song. it is definitely my favorite part of meal time. they are completely unashamed and unconcerned with whether they're in tune or not. instead, they all belt it out and sing at the top of their lungs. the sound echoes off the walls and completely fills your soul. the kids attend devotions everyday, and when i failed to show up, a student asked me, "why couldn't you take the time to come to devotions? it is the most important thing to thank our god for our blessings."

...that sometimes you just have to suck it up. when the last 2 volunteers left this evening, leaving me as the lone volunteer for the next month, i have to admit i was jealous. there have certainly been a few times where i've wanted nothing more than to pack up and head back to the comforting arms of home. i'm trying to maintain my faith that i'm here for a reason and purpose, even if i have yet to find it.

welcome to the planet. welcome to existence. i dare you to move. i dare you to move. i dare you to lift yourself up off the floor. i dare you to move like today never happened before. where can you run to escape from yourself? where you gunna go? salvation is here. --switchfoot

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