this past weekend, the 10 colleges at Uni put on one last party before summer break begins. students were bussed to a random field filled with jello pools, bouncy castles, and an open bar. the theme was "childhood cartoon characters." it was a beautiful, sunshiney day until i decided it would be a good plan to wrestle with toni, a 6'6'' dutch/croatian friend. after a visit with the paramedics, a trip to the ER (while covered in beer, food dye, body paint, barefoot and dressed as a carebear), and some excruciatingly sore triceps thanks to my newly-acquired crutches, i have decided that wrestling was a bad idea. at least i'm tan again.
my carebear crew

i was daydream bear
toni and me before the destruction began
starting to get covered in food dye. (for some reason, it's tradition to spit food dye on each other at these events). how awesome are my sunnies?

joost and me. yup, that's a huge streak of green paint across my face.
while waiting with the paramedics, kim decided she needed to listen to my heart. so, she grabbed a stethoscope (and my boob) and went to work. shortly after, she tried to grab a scalpel.